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Start with C (NOT PYTHON)

Why to learn such old fashioned language like C ?

  • It is considered as the mother or backbone of all programming language
  • If you have have a good understanding of solving problem with C to learn other programming language like C++, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin (Kotlin needs knowledge of JAVA), Rust, will be easy-peasy !
  • Harvard Uni, BUET, almost every university starts Programming courses with C Programming language.
  • Linux, Windows Kernel is written in C.
  • Good to know: You have direct access to memory that most other languages doesn't. C is like a basic building blocks of everything. You can do everything in C.
  • Since C doesn't have enriched library, you need to implement your bigger ideas manually thus having a good understanding over those concepts (like Sorting, Stack, Queue, etc.)
  • Python lovers don't know what is happening inside. You can't call yourself a computer engineer if you don't know the mechanism. Let the python lovers and web developers make noise. Don't listen to them. Even, Python and Java BackEnd is written in C. Now, lets start VitaminC.

Some of the Notes on C are given below: